Stop playing Ashe in lower elo games

Ashe in bot lane

I know she looks great and is an easy to learn champion. This leads many beginning players to play Ashe and stick with her while trying to rank up. However Ashe has a major drawback, unlike most adc’s she does not have an escape/gap closer. Tristana, Lucian & Caitlyn all have ways to quickly create some distance when getting ganked or dived.

When playing in lower elo the chances are that your support might not be as good or intuitive enough to read the game. This means you will have to kite like a Boss in order not to die and will have a very hard time facing junglers like Master Yi, Kha’Zix, Hecarim. So basically any in your face jungler with a gap closer will make your life miserable.

In solo q you will need to rely on your own skills and give yourself the advantage. Now of course if you get fes quickly Ashe will be a straight up beast with her attack speed and crit, I’m just saying other champs will get you fed easier and faster. 
