Junglers going Top, lose games!

Junglers keep going to top lane for the wrong reason

  Night Hunter Rengar - League of Legends
Night Hunter Rengar - League of Legends
I see this so often in gold and platinum games. Junglers already annoucing from the start they will camp top or gank top lvl 2. The problem with this is that when a great ganking opportunity arises in mid or bot they completely ignore it. They are so hell bend on going to the top lane that they don’t care about two easy kills in bot. As a support main this frustates me greatly and makes the game so much harder to win.

The main reason I junglers go top is simply because it is easy. Due to the map design you can easily get behind the enemy top laner and have a nice 2v1 gank fest. The problem with spending all your time and resources on top lane is that if this top laner does not start roaming or is simply bad at it, all your work has been lost. While you are going ham in top the enemy jungler is ganking mid and bot feeding 3 champs instead of 1. They will have a much stronger grip on the mid game and can easily come back from a 4 - 0 loss.

Darkstar Kha’Zix - League of Legends
Darkstar Kha’Zix - League of Legends
In the new meta the drakes are so much more important that it makes even more sense to play around the bot lane, more kills, more buffs and more control. So only go top if other lanes are winning easily and are pushed up the whole time.
