Jungle Main

Junglers keep going to top lane for the wrong reason

I see this so often in gold and platinum games. Junglers already annoucing from the start they will camp top or gank top lvl 2. The problem with this is that when a great ganking opportunity arises in mid or bot they completely ignore it.
  Night Hunter Rengar - League of Legends
Night Hunter Rengar - League of Legends
They are so hell bend on going to the top lane that they don’t care about two easy kills in bot. As a support main this frustates me greatly and makes the game so much harder to win. [FULL ARTICLE]


Leona LOL jungle AD/TANK Build -  SEASON 10 GAMEPLAY
At the moment Leona jungle is being overlooked by many silver and gold players. This is a huge mistake since she is sleeper op in the current meta.

Leona has a gap closer on her E with Zenith Blade and when followed up with her Q Shield of Daybreak you can do some great ganks. [FULL ARTICLE]
